Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's got to be the PJs...

There I was locked out of my room, Wonder Woman comic in hand, dressed in my PJs at 6 in the morning. Brilliant. I've locked myself out of my room after taking a dump with the keys in my room in the 1st 36 hours I've been back here in Notts. Wonderful. As such, I've no access to all my instant noodles or any goodies which I brought with me. Excellent. 13 hours later which I spent by polishing my shoes, doing some housework, reading Simpsons and Philosophy, watching Police Academy on VCR and a day-time talk show about a 31 year old man who wants to marry a 17 year old girl and a kind hearted housemate to drive me all the way to Derby to pick up the keys from the landlady and I'm back in my room.

The last time I wore to PJs to sleep in Notts when I first moved in to halls, random people barged into my room (I didn't know how to lock the doors then, you see) in the middle of the night. Bleh. It's the PJs and doors I tell you.

That aside, I managed to survive travelling with a 7kg backpack on my back, dragging a 10kg hand luggage bag and exactly 29.7 kg check-in bag. All thanks to my mother's impecabble skill in packing bags.

I had travelled a total of 24 hours. 2 hours to Bangkok. (Thai Airways food sucks btw.) Transit in Bangkok for 3 hours. (You know it's a Thai airport when at almost every corner they offer you a foot/body message. It's also the only airports where you can possible enjoy a coconut...)

A flight of 12 hours to Heathrow. (The food sucked yet again but breakfast was ok. They showed THE SENTINEL, starring Micheal J Fox, That 24 guy, Eva Longaria.. but it was a below decent film. The Manchurian Candidate a much more better film with a similar storyline) Although, I did sit next to this fit Aussie girl who was travelling with her partner. It's amazing how much you can learn about a person when you just casually ask, "Where did you get that toothbrush?"

Oh. Those travelling back to the UK? Liquids/Cosmetics are a BIG no-no. That explained why most of the women on board looked rather haggard.

Arrived in Heathrow. It was a rather long line at immigration. I had to wait another 2 hours for the coach to Notts.

I was a 3 hour ride on the coach where I sat next to a plump 67 year old Tanzanian. Talked to him for awhile at the beginning of the trip. One great thing about travelling alone is the amount of people you can meet and the interesting backgrounds they have.

*sigh* And here I am. My brother's away in Malta but an exchange student, Marco from an Eastern European country (I can't remember which atm) is staying in his room and Alex, my bro's coursemate is around.

Weather's quite wet, typically British.

Well, here I am. Although I have to say, in mind I am, but it's true what they say. Home is where the heart is.


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