Sunday, July 02, 2006

Just another post....

It's been two weeks since I've been back. In that time, I've rediscovered my propensity to sweat, reintroduced my tastebuds to good old M'sian food and in the process, fortifying my stomach.

Hmm... for this post, due to limited head-space and creativity, I shall merely recommend some films/books.

Cars is a good film to watch. 'Nuff said.

Another good film is... If you ever turn to Astro and come across a film called 'The World of Lily Wong', give it a watch. It's similar to Pretty Woman where it's about a prositute with a gold. Set in 1960s HongKong, it's about an American artist who comes to Hong Kong and meets a Chinese prostitute, one thing leads to another and yada yade yada.. It's got hilarious dialogue, the typical American saviour complex (think 'The Last Samurai'.. why does everyone die left,right and centre and the American hero is the last man standing..tsk) and it'll probably get women's rights activists up in arms but it's a good, entertaining film to watch.

Two books I've picked up recently are: Neil Gaiman's Anansis' Boys (AB) and Nick Hornby's A Long Way Down(aLWD).

Kinda a contrast in the two books... But highly recommeded reads.. I picked up aLWD in Easter but only finished it up lately. It's non-fiction about 4 sucidal individuals who coincidently decide to commit sucide off the same rooftop on New Year's Eve. But its kinda hard to commit sucide with an audience waiting in line to do the same ain't it? Well, it's a good book as it's very... human, the story being told in first person by all 4 characters. Hornby's a great writer and pulls off a great story which you can relate and it's not only an entertaining read but a good pick me up when you're just feeling jaded about life.

Anansi Boy's is written by Gaiman who's more famous for his work on comics and he's famous for his work on Sandman in particular. AB is semi-fantasy... and it's about a guy who discovers his father who he has been estranged from (and also has the tendency to humilate him in public.. yes, all parents kinda do but this one is kinda extreme you can say) is actually, the God of Mischief, Anansi(the spider god of African original.. think of an African Loki). The story starts to unravel with the father's death and his life will never be the same.. yeah, kinda cliche but the gags/plot is gripping still. I didn't go to sleep till I finished this book. Bleh.

Anyway, good reads IMHO.

'Till next time.. God Speed.


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