Sunday, May 21, 2006

Drained... but the fight goes on..

Once again, guys do sign the petition. (I don't see your names there!!)
If you think it doesn't affect you, think again. It'll affect the quality of medi-care you'll receive back home. Our medics don't get the training they deserve and go back with less than what they were promised and thus, leaving us the patient with less options.

Also remember, if this goes through, do you think there's a possiblity that the government would go on to limit non-EU applicants in other fields? (ie: engineering, law) Ever heard of the mousetrap story?

Besides that, I'm severly drained. Anyone ever felt that exams have this uncanny ability of draining your soul leaving you hollow inside? Self doubt and nagging concerns start creeping in.. Hm. Makes you think what keeps you going, huh? Some have others (be it a significant other/good friends) to draw strength from, other draw strength from their faith, others draw strength from their own personal motivation. But the truth is it's probably a combination of all of the above.

Well, the strength I draw from my cup of joe has waned. I've developed a tolerance towards.. caffiene! 3 Cups and I don't get the kick I used to. A change of tactics perhps? Maybe power naps would do the trick.

Keep up the good fight people and see you on the other side. 'Till then.


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