Saturday, May 20, 2006

Much to do about nothing...

Before I go on, on per request of a certain lovely medic in B'ham.. Sign this petition. It concerns the new legislation which creates barriers to entry for graduating non-EU medics into the UK workforce. It gives priority to EU nationals when choosing candidates for a job and it's clearly discriminatory and in breach of the Humans Rights Act 1998, art 14: Prohibition of Discrimination.

Do your part people!


I'm half through the day and I've had an intake of over 120mg of caffiene and I've still got a redbull in reserve.. Now, I've got a slight twitching eye. A twitching eye's not a good thing as you probably already know... It kinda makes you think people around you're trying to be funny or you're probably trying to hit on 'em. In hindsightb, I should really be eliminating all social contact and subsequently, reduce all possiblity of a misunderstanding to nil.

As you can see, I'm severly caffienated or maybe a cocktail of caffiene and ginseng pills is not really a smart thing. The stuff we do (esides studying) to improve our exam performance. The only thing I lack now is Brand's Herbal Chicken Essence. Heh.


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