Friday, September 01, 2006

I hunger....

It's been 3 days here and my tummy grumbles periodically. Maybe it's to do something with the fact that I was locked out of the house yesterday (and hence, sucessfully alienating myself from true food sustenance; Kit Kat bars and bananas can only do soo much) after running errands/buying groceries. The bloody key couldn't bloody open the lock. Rather than wait hours for my housemates to return I decided to drop off the groceries and head to the library. In the end, I got in thanks to Alex returning early. Marco's advice was to turn the key more violently next time. Hm.

Argh. I've got something against keys now!

Mm.. I'm no expert but I think my tummy's grumbling could be transalated into 'We should have had more Malaysian Food dammit' or "Where's the bloody inflow of Malaysian Food??!!" or somewhere along those lines. Hm, a saying comes into mind : The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

And home is where the heart is.

My advice to those still in Malaysia: Enjoy it while you can!!!


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