Friday, September 08, 2006

Of random things...

A post dedicated to random stuff. Coz I'm currently unoccupied, unemployed (for this week at least). Nuff' said.

1.0 - Maritial Bliss. A man gets married to goat. The owner of the goat married the man to his goat and forced him to pay a dowry for the goat after he caught the man having sex with it. To quote the brilliant owner of the goat,"They (the elders) said I should not take him to the police, but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife"
Talk about shotgun weddings, eh?

2.0 - Melbourne's Uni got their own Malaysian Society now eh? I heard the former one was shut down for embezzlement and I'll like to wish all the best to this new soc. A good friend of mine's the liason office, Jerome Chin! It's has a pretty nifty name MOMU. Lol. Check it out here:
They've got even a video on Youtube explaining about our 'mamak' culture. I didn't make it past a minute of the video but the guy explaining it sounded a bit stiff.. then again, he was probably trying to be loud and clear. Good stuff still. This goes some way explaining our mamak culture compared to the culture here to get a few drinks at a student bar (the booze there is cheaper you see), dance the night away and order takeout after that. Mamak's still pretty much cheaper and the food, the glorious food!

3.0 - This is a rant a long time coming. I had the oppurtunity to witness firsthand shabby leadership the past year and this past month particularly. It has led me to believe that leader's certainly aren't born and common sense ain't that common. With a year of a phase of reading self-help books (John Maxwell's books on Christian Leadership are great btw) and some limited experience, I'll probably have a few things to say. You've heard of the Dummies collection and possibly the KISS! (keep it simple stupid!) series but now, you're gonna hear about Joachim's FFS series on leadership. Heh.

It'll go something like this. (I've lost most of my steam on this issue but I'll try to express it as best as I can)

FFS, Communicate! Know the people you're working with and take a genuine interest in them and keep them in the effing loop. Communication leads to better tranparency and members will definetely happier knowing what's going on. It makes them look less like an idiot when they're with you. If you're socially disabled, pick up the book: How to make friends and influence people. Rant: For example, if you ask a member of yours to go all the way down to the city to meet the rest of committee, fucking update him on what's going on. Rather than let him waste the trip down only to find out they don't need your help.

To hammer this point home, I quote John Maxwell: “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

FFS, give low expectations and deliver high not the other way round! Don't mislead your members into believing things such as disbursements for travelling all the way down to London and back and promising your customers something they potentially won't have.

FFS, get off your high horse. Humilty is key. In most cases, you're there coz the people put you there and so them a service and serve them. Don't serve yourself. Apologize if they're any hiccups and admit it rather than pass the buck around. I personally have a low tolerance for such people. Cover-up all you like but the truth will find you and bite you in the arse eventually.

There's more to write about the person I'm trying to dedicate this to. Your whole committee doesn't have a high opinion of you and neither have I. In truth, after our next event, I'm glad and satified to be done with your committee.

*sigh* Rant done. With such 'leaders' at this stage at life, I don't look forward to the so called leader's in the working world. Btw, in my eyes, politicians (especially in Malaysia) can't be called 'leaders'. They're precisely what they are. Politicians. But don't you get me started on that. Pff.

'Nuff said.


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