Monday, October 09, 2006

Alive and well/ Calamity Jo

I've got a rather long post in the works but it seems I'll never get past the draft state.

It's been a week or so of money flowing out my pockets. I kinda left my brand new Uni card in my pants and threw it in the washing machine. It got all warped and the barcode readers can't seem to pick it up. It'll cost to get it changed.. and worse still, I ruined my house's washing machine by forcing it open. The door handle came off and the technician should be coming in around now while I type this. He quoted me 41 quid over the phone. Calamity Jo, I seem to be.

Count in costs like books, sports membership costs and tv license and all... That's alot of cash outflow.

On the inflow side, I haven't been credited the cash from working at the conference centre yet but I've got another job interview lined up for me. It's this company which does crowd management at concerts and other major events. From what I've heard, basically you'll all there is between thousands of mad-raving fans and the celeb. A co-worker of mine at the conference centre did a brief stint with them and helped herd Beyonce off the venue apparently. I guess I'll check out the brieifing/interview thing and see how it goes.

If you're looking for a challenge, check this out:
See whether you can get everyone across the river. Apparently, it's used in job interviews in Japan.

Well, that's all for now folks.


At 7:57 am, Blogger Rajiv Finn said...

yo buddy boy

warped cards! whats next!?

At 10:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Solved the raft puzzle.

My guess is Japan's unemployment rate is low.

See you around Jo.

At 1:47 am, Blogger Joachim L. said...

Hey.. how's the Down Under treating yer? If you meet anyone from Stella Maris, ask them whether they know me. I've got quite a few mates in Melb U.

Heh. Good on yer Farid. Cya around man..


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